If you noticed, I skipped Day 3 and that is because I spent day three messing it up and repairing it. It was frustrating at first but was able to recover it. Sometimes you just gotta learn when to fold and back away.
Anyways, this is what I've done on Day 4: Water surface, shirt and arms beneath the surface. Pretty tricky trying to lay down the right color. Technically, my technique is wrong...I'm suppose to lay down alllll the colors first and then go into details. This way, it would give me a rough idea of the overall value, tones, hues, etc. to help me picture the overall painting better and it would help me make the right color choice. But...I dont like doing that, hahaha. And I'm the anal type of guy that have to finish one section first before I move on to the next one.
I know I'm working slow, but I want to give myself plenty time for this piece. I usually rush my previous pieces and end up not liking it that much. For this piece, I am actually enjoying it and I am very happy with the way how it turned out so far.
At this point, I am about 65-75% through with the painting stage. Just have to paint the fish, jeans, and the underwater atmosphere and then I'll be done. After that, ink!!!