Lately, my dad had been making lots of food. Mainly traditional, small, Chinese snacks. Such as steam buns, dumplings, baked buns with curry on the inside, and few other stuff that I have no idea. But I guess he loves his dumplings the most and he wanted to take it to the next level. This is when opportunity knocked on his door.
He has a friend that is about to open up an Asian market and my dad gave him the idea of selling "local, homemade dumplings." And the future owner thought it was a great idea and told my dad that he has 2 weeks until the store opens (this was a week ago). And for me, I thought this would be a fun little project to tackle. That and I just bought a NIIIIICE new printer and I've been making my own stickers (maybe more on the stickers in the future). Anyways, that gave me the idea of making a logo for the package. And I also believe the logo will make it more legit and people will more likely to buy it. Can you imagine if you go to a market and bought something with no logo, no package design what so ever? DON'T TRUST IT! And always, ALWAYS!!, look for the expiration date when shopping at an oriental market.
So, here is my design.

I had my dad to calligraphy his title. I suggested that because A) I think it would be a nice, unique, and a personal touch to the logo and B) My computer can't type chinese, hahahahah.
I've played with many shapes of the design and I wanted to stick with something very oriental style. If you live near china town or have been exposed to American-Chinese signs, shops, etc. it always reminds me of signs that are traditional block style, very rectangular. Or, some shops will kick it up a notch by making a sign in a "curved" format. Well, I played with both and I like the "curved" format the best. I also remember seeing a cheesy cursive handwriting somewhere and thought that I would toss it into the package as well. And yes, that's a direct translation.
With the design, I also kept "cuteness" in mind. My dad's dumplings is not like those dumplings you would normally find in the dumpling aisle. My dad's dumplings are small, rounded, and I'll admit....quite damn cute. And his dumplings gave me the inspiration to draw a cute little dumpling for the package.
As for the pig. Well, it's quite obvious because it's pork flavor. But not only am I drawing a pig for simple and obvious reasons, it's also something that I never thought in a million years would happen. You know the saying of...."I'll blah blah blah when pigs fly"? Well, I guess this small little business is represented by the flying pig and I guess I'll design something for my dad when he has a small little business. In other words, "I will design a logo for my dad when pigs fly."
Any comments, critiques, ideas are welcomed. Enjoy!
That is awesome! i would totally buy dumplings in that package! Too cute!