Remember my ox art piece? Well, I framed it and took it to the restaurant I work at to have it displayed there. It's a great opportunity for me to expose my artwork and hopefully it'll lead to something. It's definitely better than sitting at the house with a viewer of one (that would be me). So far I've had good responses from customers and co-workers. Initially I would say 90% of the coworkers didn't believe I was capable of producing this kind of artwork, ha. The location of the artwork have its flaws and advantages. The flaws of that location is the reflections and the lack of light. During the day time, it is washed out by the reflections from the outside (you can see in the pic a whole row of windows and you have to look at it in the right angle just to see the artwork). During night, the restaurant is pretty dark and that also makes it harder for customers to view. And there are no outlets for me to install a light in the nearby area. But other than that, it's located near the entrance and I would say 100% of the customers dining in that side of the restaurant will see, and that side of the restaurant consists 70% capacity of the whole restaurant. And that wall suits perfectly for my artwork, it's about 1.5-2ft bigger and it frames my artwork proportionally.
I built the frame with left over lumber that my dad collected while my neighborhood was still under construction. Contractors would just throw away left overs, what a waste! And we literally have hundreds of 2x4s in the garage and I put them to good use. I use them to make frames and stretcher bars for my canvas and whatever stuff needed for around the house. It's just good to put those lumbers into good use rather than in the dumper.
It looks great! You just need to but a little price tag on the side and then you have your own gallery to market your art.